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Deploying space habitats to establish self-sustaining agricultural systems in space, including conducting initial crop growth experiments, scaling up the agricultural system, establishing a supply chain, and developing transportation systems.

understand the market

Conducting research and development of technology for sustainable food production in space, including hydroponic and aeroponic systems, advanced lighting systems, advanced nutrient delivery systems, waste management systems, and robotic systems.

Build People's Dreams

Developing and implementing workforce development plans centered around registered apprenticeship, providing individuals with a combination of on-the-job training and classroom instruction to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to work in space agritech.

Work Hard to Succeed

Building and maintaining strategic partnerships with government agencies, private companies, and space exploration organizations to enhance collaboration and coordination between stakeholders, increase program visibility, and improve training outcomes for participants.



We Are Here To Help You With Any Questions You May Have

Our company specializes in space agritech and is committed to revolutionizing sustainable food production in space. Our team of experts in aerospace engineering, agriculture, robotics, and sustainability has the knowledge and experience necessary to develop and deploy sustainable food production systems in space for government agencies.

We offer a range of services related to space agritech, including research and development of technology for sustainable food production in space, deploying space habitats to establish self-sustaining agricultural systems in space, developing and implementing workforce development plans centered around registered apprenticeship, and building and maintaining strategic partnerships with government agencies, private companies, and space exploration organizations.

Our business model is based on the development and deployment of sustainable food production systems in space for government agencies. We generate revenue by providing technology and expertise to government agencies, and we are committed to creating long-term benefits for sustainable agriculture and space exploration.

Our company has the expertise and experience necessary to develop and deploy sustainable food production systems in space. We are committed to providing exceptional service and delivering high-quality products that exceed our clients’ expectations. We also prioritize workforce development and building strategic partnerships, which allows us to provide well-rounded and effective solutions to our clients.

You can contact us by visiting our website and filling out our contact form. You can also email us directly at, or call us at 800.989.6513. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our company has experience working with government agencies and is a registered government contractor. We have successfully completed contracts with government entities in the past and are familiar with the procedures and regulations involved in government contracting.

Our social enterprise plans to leverage AI in agriculture by developing and utilizing AI-powered tools and systems that optimize resource use, crop yield, and plant health. By using AI to analyze data, monitor plants, and predict environmental conditions, we can create more efficient and sustainable food production systems that reduce waste and improve crop quality.

Our social enterprise has several advantages in leveraging artificial intelligence in agriculture for sustainable food production. Our team includes experts in both agriculture and AI, which allows us to develop and implement cutting-edge AI-powered solutions. Additionally, our mission is to promote sustainable agriculture and reduce the impact of food production on the environment, which aligns with the goals of utilizing AI in agriculture. Finally, as a social enterprise, our focus on social and environmental impact drives us to prioritize sustainability and innovation in our work.